We fight for an inclusive Kansas.
Find out who we are, and why we do what we do.
Equality for all,
freedom for everyone.
In 2018, Kansas elected a Democratic governor who was, and continues to be, a firm supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. We saw the election of the first two openly gay state house representatives, and the election of an openly lesbian congresswoman. With our eyes on the horizon, we hope to continue the momentum from the 2018 "rainbow wave." We have ambitious goals, including statewide education networks for queer Kansans, fighting for representation in Democratic Party leadership, and most importantly, seeing even MORE diverse representation in the Kansas legislature! We will always strive to help people become educated, involved, and active.
The Kansas LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus is devoted to advancing equal rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Caucus supports the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates who support our fight for a more inclusive Kansas. We draw our strength from a statewide network of LGBTQ+ and straight allied Democrats who are working to realize our common goals to:
Educate the LGBTQ+ community, and our allies, about the vast differences that exist between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to the issues concerning our community;
Lead the charge in the Democratic party in embracing bold progressive ideals and policies, especially on issues of importance to our community;
Fight for the nomination of Democratic candidates--including qualified openly LGBTQ+ candidates--who will be fully supportive of our fight for equality and against bigotry and intolerance;
Encourage those in the LGBTQ+ community to support and vote for Democratic candidates who are committed to defeating homophobia and prejudice; and
Work to uplift and empower the voice of every LGBTQ+ Kansan.